The song at the bottom of this post is appropriate for the launch of Miss Matched for two reasons—the first one is more obvious; the second not so much.
The first reason is that it has always been part of the soundtrack of the novel. There’s an important scene when Freddie runs away from a problem (SPOILER ALERT: She does this a lot, both literally and figuratively!) This is the song she hears playing in her car as she runs away.
The second, less obvious reason is about my journey writing this novel. In 2017, I wrote three quarters of it in six months, maybe less. This would’ve been world record pace for me. After that, it stopped cold. I might eek out the portion of a scene or hear a snippet of dialogue, but even though i knew the plot and the characters I couldn’t get it down on paper or see it play out in my head. So, it took close to three years to finish the first draft. Thankfully revision and editing came together quickly!
I, personally, had a tough road to find my way home. But it is for sale at a special price— 99 cents through September 1st. After that, it will be one billion dollars.
Not really, More like—$2.99. Here’s what it’s about:
Frederica Brubaker has never had a second date.
As for the reasons—that’s tough for even Freddie to understand. It’s not like she’s a two-headed monster.
Sometimes, she thinks the idea of “dates” is outdated. Sometimes, she’s not sure if her method of counting is remotely legit. Even so, she’ll know when she has one—a second meeting where the chemistry and connection are still strong. Most days, she thinks she has mutated DNA, passed on by her mother Felicity O’Hara, who is on her fourth-possibly-fifth husband, unable to hang on to a man, despite being the star of the reality TV show The Matchmaker.
In the summer following her college graduation, Freddie takes a job on the show as a Production Assistant to make ends meet until she can find a job in her field. She absolutely, positively does not want to be a guest on the show, even if a certain squisito Italian guest has caught her eye. Meanwhile, her mother—a diva since childbirth—has other ideas, which involve finding a second date and the perfect match for Freddie.
Miss Matched is an irresistible, feel-good romantic comedy that will appeal to fans of reality shows like The Bachelor and Love Island.
And, here’s where you can find it:
Amazon | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Rakuten Kobo | Books2Read
If you’d like to hear part of the soundtrack from the book, check out the Steve Winwood video below—