What you got cookin’? Now, that’s a question, isn’t it?
The answer is cookbooks.
It started with one just for friends and family. Every year at Christmas I bake cookies almost non-stop, and so I compiled a book of all the goodies I’ve made at that time of year with some tips and a little history about why I cook these things. It was supposed to be a gift or a replacement for greeting cards, but I got involved with marketing a boxed set last year at the holidays and that took precedence because it affected seven other authors.
The book didn’t get finished in time.
I completed it in January, because that’s how I am. Once something is on the to-do list I have to get it off. So, I figured I’d hold off and use it this year, but then I decided what the heck I’d publish it and just wait until the end of the year to promote it.
A couple months later it hit me that I do a Cinco de Mayo party every year. So, I pulled together my favorite recipes and added a few things I’d like to try in future years and published it.
Then we were heading down to the Florida Keys for a mini vacation. I wanted to play bartender and make some new tropical drinks. that’s when I pulled together a bunch of recipes into a book of beach drinks.
I never really intended to sell a lot of these, but it was something to work on everyday. It kept me in front of the computer and I actually got more fiction writing done because this non-fiction was straightforward. It worked like a palette cleanser. In July, I decided to make the Mexican Cookbook free for a few days. I didn’t promote it. In fact, I really couldn’t promote it–there was only one review.
For some reason that book took off, snagged by Amazon’s algorithms. It was a great reminder of the power of Amazon and the power of free. My post-free bounce took the book to number one in the Mexican Cooking category, where it hung out for a while. It’s still ranked much higher and is selling much better than in did in the pre-free period.
Which brings us to today. Beach Bar is free. You can find it here.
Jimmy Buffett is the perfect person to sing about Margaritaville or Pina Coladaville or Tequila Sunriseville or my eCookbooks. Also, until I watched this video, I never realized how much he Larry David look alike. I’ve never seen them together, so do you suppose…nah, it couldn’t be.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the song and grab a free book. Til next time…how’s about cooking something up with me.